There are obvious differences between leading an office full of people and leading a group of people working from their homes, and in this section we will explore more of the tips, best practices and case studies, as well as giving you practical tools you can take away and use that can help you and your people.
Now, more than ever, our people need us to help support them in both a personal and business context. Helping them to navigate their way through an unprecedented time of their lives where they might be in a situation that is totally new to them – they might be on furlough leave, becoming a teacher for their children, feeling isolated and cut off from society, or simply not used to working in this way and struggling to establish new patterns and routines for themselves.
We will look at some of the ways we can help support our people and, to start us off I wanted to introduce an important part of our leadership journey in recent years. In 2014, we at Claims Consortium, partnered with Stuart Baldwin, creator of the LiveBIG leadership programme. Since then we have been sharing the content of the programme and training all our leaders (and non-leaders) on a regular basis.
LiveBIG is a blend of strategy tools that have helped us achieve the goals we set out as a company, and the mindset that we needed to have to help us better interpret the world around us. To be able to let go of the things that we cannot control and focus our time and energy on the things that we have the power to change and influence. Right now, there are a lot of things that are out of our control, so we hope you find the tools as useful as we have.
We would love to hear from you so please share your success stories, insights on your challenges and how the tips and tools have helped you and your people.
Great leaders change lives!